Help Planet Ford 635 in Garland, Texas make Christmas hopes come true. Our Ford dealership has partnered with Hope Clinic of Garland, which is celebrating 20 years of service to the community. The clinic provides primary health care and resources for healthy living to the underserved population of Dallas County.
Drop off unwrapped toys now–December 15, 2022 at:
Planet Ford 635
3601 South Shiloh Road, Garland 75041
Or donate at:
Hope Clinic of Garland
800 S. 6th Street, Suite 100, Garland 75042
Families will pick up toys on Wednesday, December 21st to have at home for Christmas Day.
For Questions: Sheena Sharapata 214.477.7245 -OR- SSharapata@wcao.net
To Donate: Scan QR Code above
PlanetFord635.com | hopeclinic-garland.org