Garland Community Rallies in Support of Local Firefighter

Screen Shot 2015-01-15 at 1.24.14 AMGarland, Texas is home of Randall Reed’s Prestige Ford and an amazing community that takes care one another. When our team heard that one of our local firefighters was in need of assistance, we wanted to help and spread the word in hopes that other’s will lend a hand, as well.

While on vacation, Randy Baker, a Garland firefighter had a heart attack and was rushed to a local hospital in Cozumel last week. While his condition is stabilizing a bit more every day, he will not be able to fly home without medical support. So the Garland Fire Department rallied around their fellow firefighter and set up a GoFundMe page to help raise funds for medical transport. All the money raised will go directly to help bring Mr. Baker back to Dallas for the treatments he needs.

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Mr. Baker has been with the Garland Fire Fighters Association for 22 years. He has two children in their early 20s. If you can help, please help and spread the word. Garland is a strong community, and even stronger when we band together!

Learn more via the GFF site: or via their Facebook page:

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