Garland Firefighters Assc. Thanks Prestige Ford for Coats For Kids

Prestige VP of Community Relations Katie Koberg receives plaque from Brandon Day of Garland Firefighters Association.

Prestige VP of Community Relations Katie Koberg receives plaque from Brandon Day of Garland Firefighters Association.

At Randall Reed’s Prestige Ford, we love being part of and giving back to our Garland and surrounding communities. A couple months ago, we had so much fun being part of a huge event for local kids called Operation Warm aka Coats for Kids. The fundraising event is held each year by the Garland Firefighter’s Association. They provide hundreds of coats to children in the community who otherwise would go cold during the winter months.

PrestigeSocial.CoatsForKids4-300x225Brandon Day with the Garland Firefighters Association stopped this week to say thank you to Prestige Ford with a lovely plaque. We appreciate the amazing honor, but seeing these happy kids faces is all the thanks our dealership could ever need! We are always excited to participate in community events, especially Coats for Kids. Check out this video to see just how amazing this event is.

Last November, Prestige Ford joined the Garland Firefighters Association and several other local organizations to participate in Operation Warm by donating new coats to the students at Caldwell Elementary via the Coats for Kids Foundation. Operation Warm operates under the principle of collaboration, teaming up with local organizations and businesses to help provide the gift of warmth. Ultimately, Operation Warm aims to bring attention to the consequences that poverty has on families and communities alike.

They are certainly working hard at that goal, considering Operation Warm and its local partners have provided coats to over 1.4 million children over the past 15 years. If you would like to learn more or contribute, visit their webpage here. To learn more about Prestige Ford in Garland (serving Dallas, Rockwall, Mesquite and surrounding areas) and its local initiatives, visit our community page!

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